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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I manage my subscription, update payment details, or download invoices?

Access your PayPro Global customer portal.

How do I create icons for iPhone, iPad, or Android app?

Select the "File | Export..." menu command, and "PNGs for iOS app" or "PNGs for Android app" file format. Multiple PNG files will be created at once, optimized for your mobile app.

How do I make transparent areas in my icon?

Use the Eraser tool to remove parts of a picture and make the area transparent. Note that new icons created using the "File | New..." menu command, are transparent. You add non-transparent paint on them, and untouched areas remain transparent. To fill areas with transparent color, select a transparent color (set Alpha parameter to 0), select Fill tool, and set Replace (or Replace Antialiased) fill mode.

How do I create a multi-image icon file?

The "File | New..." menu command creates an empty multi-image icon. If you already have several single-image icon files, which you would like to combine into a multi-image icon file, then select "Help | Create Multi-Image Icon File..." menu command.

How do I get drawing color from the screen outside of IconEdit2?

- Use Camera tool to make a snapshot of a screen area, which contains the needed color;
- Then use Color Thermometer tool to pick the needed color from IconEdit2 drawing area;
- Then click Undo button to restore your icon image.

What is online activation?

This is the second step after you enter your registration key. This is intended to prevent multiple unauthorized registrations.

Can I activate IconEdit2 on several computers?

Yes. IconEdit2 is licensed on per-user basis, not per-computer. Contact Dmitry Kozhinov if you need to activate IconEdit2 on a different computer.

My saved icon looks empty.

There may be two reasons:
1. Icon can contain several images (see left pane in IconEdit2). It is possible that you have a picture in one image, and another image is empty. You can delete unused empty images.
2. This may be because of Windows icon caching. Windows may show older version of the same icon file. Try moving the icon file to a different folder - this will cause Windows to update its icon cache.